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How To Earn $100 0r $ 300 A Day With Google AdSense


Earning $100, $200 or even $300 per day with Google AdSense can be done from a home office. Many website owners are doing it. The only thing you need is planning, work, determination, and passion about your topic or niche.

In fact, your Income Activator Website Builder gives you the same Pay Par Click Tracking Service used by Google, allowing you to get your own advertisers, cutting out the middleman!

Google Ad Definitions

Before diving into the exact process, here’s some terminology for better understanding of Google AdSense.

AdSense: AdSense is when you place Google Ads on your website, and when a visitor from your website clicks on an ads, Google pays you 68% of what the advertiser pays them. It’s free to sign up.

CTR: Your ad Click-Through Rate is the number of ad clicks divided by the number of individual ad impressions. Suppose you are showing 3 AdSense ads on every page of your website, 1 page view is equal to 3 ad impressions.

CTR = Clicks / Ad Impressions X 100

Suppose, you get 5 clicks out of 500 ad impressions, your CTR would be 1% (5/500X100).

CPC: Cost Per Click is the revenue you earn each time a visitor clicks on your ad. CPC is determined by the advertisers. In some competitive niches like finance, marketing, online products etc. advertisers may be willing to pay more per click than others.

CPM: CPM means “Cost Per 1000 Impressions.”

Sometimes advertisers opt for CPM ads instead of CPC and set their price for 1000 ad impressions. And they pay each time their ads appear on any website.
What It Takes To Make $100 A Day With AdSense

When your CTR is 1% and your average CPC is $0.25. it’s quite achievable to make $100 dollars a day, and lots of people are doing it. Let’s assume that a Page View = An Ad Impression.

To make $100 everyday you need 40,000 Page Views/day Or, 400 Clicks a day @ 1% CTR and $0.25 CPC. For 40,000 Page Views you have to produce 500 awesome articles on your website. These pages must attract at least 80 or more page views everyday.

These articles can be as little as 300 words. Always include a YouTube video on every article page you create. Many people writing a book, can simply write their book on their website and make money simply by writing it. You can also get your visitors to contribute their story ideas. This gets you free content and engages your followers.

Apart from CPC, you will also earn from your CPM ad impressions. Irrespective of any niche, the average CPM earning is $1 to $1.5 per 1,000 impressions. You can make $40 to $60 per day from 40,000 page views.

You can also sell your Ad space directly or via, and generate $6,000 Per Month on an average from 40,000 page views. Check out how webmasters are making $6,000 to $8,000 Per Month from with forty thousand page views per day. So your daily earning will be $200 (6000/30=200).

A niche website with high quality articles works well with affiliate marketing. You can might be able to earn $40 to $80/day from affiliate selling with correct implementation and execution.

Now your total earning per day is $100 + $40 + $200 +$40 = $380 from CPC, CPM, Direct Ad Sell, Affiliate Marketing for 40,000 page views per day. I’ve taken the lowest possible earnings from all the 4 sources.

$380 per day means $11,400 per month (380X30= 11,400) Or, $136,800 per year (11,400X12=136,800).

When deciding to be in the ‘Creating Content Business’ your desired earning of $100 per day from Google AdSense is achievable. 1,000s of people are making money by writing articles, and you can do it too, when you are Focused!

P.S. The above results can be possible if you produce at least 200 to 250 great articles or blog posts per year for 2 years. So how much traffic you actually need to make $100 per day from Google AdSense – It’s way less than 40,000 Page Views Per Day!

All About The Traffic

Webmasters who say it’s all about the traffic aren’t wrong. A certain number of visitors will always be required to hit any earnings goal. The problem is, this is an incomplete picture.

Information that can drastically affect earnings and RPM include:

  • What is the niche of the website?
  • How competitive are the bids from advertisers?
  • What is the country of origin?
  • Is the traffic organic (from search engines) or from other sources like social media?

These are factors that make a huge difference in how much the traffic is worth to advertisers and thus how much traffic is needed to reach the earnings goal.

Which Traffic Is More Valuable?

There are several reasons that the type of traffic can make such a difference with earnings.

Most Valuable Markets

There is a group of countries where companies invest more in advertising than others. Customers are worth more so companies pay more for ads. This doesn’t mean there isn’t potential in other markets, but generally, these markets are considered the highest paying:

  • United States
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia

This is according to SEMRush, and these results aren’t surprising considering the first-hand experiences of two decades of webmasters. Beyond that, statistics gathered by Statista show all four of these countries in the top 10 list for countries where companies spent the most on advertising per person, with three of them being 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

If organic traffic mostly comes from one, or several, of these top markets the potential earnings and RPM is going to be higher than if most of the income comes from markets like Brazil or India where advertisers spend far less. Meaning there’s less revenue to make even if there is a lot of traffic.

Organic vs Social Media

Traffic that comes from search engines, aka organic traffic, is the most valuable. Traffic that comes from search engines are far more likely to make a purchase via an affiliate link or click on an ad.

This means if a lot of traffic comes from social media as opposed to search engines, the RPM is going to be far worse for that traffic than what Google is sending to your website.

While some ads still come from impressions, most still rely on clicks. All the highest paying ones do.

Focus on getting more organic traffic. That’s going to get to that $100 a day goal far faster and more efficiently than ramping up social media traffic.

Niches Have Radically Different Values

A very loose general rule of thumb is that an average RPM for the high paying markets is $2-10 RPM. This is a very broad range. Normally $2-3 is actually considered the low end. $9-10 is the high end of normal.

Anything above $10 RPM just on AdSense would be considered above average. There are niches that pay out higher. Some quite a bit higher. A niche with a high-paying RPM will require far less traffic to get to $100 a day than a low-paying RPM niche.

Generally speaking, the more expensive a service or product, the more valuable a new customer is. That makes a company or business willing to spend more on advertising to bring in a new customer.

This is why topics like insurance, legal services, or b2b marketing tend to have very high ad rates. On the other hand companies that sell products that cost only a couple dollars have no reason to pay large amounts for ads.

This is why one site might need only a few thousand people a day to hit that AdSense mark while another site might need many tens of thousands of visitors to earn the same amount.

Top RPM Topics

The top RPM topics will vary depending on which country the traffic comes from. A major reason for this is the array of different rules when it comes to insurance, legal services, medical treatments, etc. In some countries they can openly advertise, in others it’s more regulated.

According to an article on the best AdSense niches on SEM Rush, the top PPC niches in the United States are insurance, online education, marketing & advertising, and legal, in that order.

For the UK it’s insurance, marketing & advertising, crypto-currency, and internet & telecom. Mixes of those topics are also the top paying niches for Australia and Canada.

Many of these ads can give $5, $10, or more a click. Most ads are much lower, but that’s why these are the top RPM ads.

While it can be tempting to build a site around the highest per click topics, that’s not a great strategy. Many of these topics are in YMYL topics and in addition to requiring serious expertise for Google to rank the site, in addition to being incredibly competitive topics.

This doesn’t mean this information is useful. If deciding between two equally interesting topics one has a high RPM and one has a very low RPM, getting to $100 a day in AdSense will be faster with the high RPM topic.

How to Estimate Your Traffic Needs for $100/Day in AdSense

The best way to get a good estimate of the traffic needed is with actual data. With the RPM from actual traffic numbers it becomes very easy to figure out how many visitors a day are needed to hit $100 a day in AdSense.

Three examples:

  • If the RPM is $2.75 then 100/2.75 = 36.36 so you need around 36,360 visitors a day
  • If the RPM is $4.50 then 100/4.50 = 22.22 so you need around 22,220 visitors a day
  • If the RPM is $6.10 then 100/6.10 = 16.39 so you need around 16,390 visitors a day

Once the RPM has been figured out the traffic goals become obvious. At that point, you have a target to shoot for.

Beware Seasonal Changes

When doing estimates make sure not to let well-known seasonal changes affect the numbers. At the end of quarter most companies pull back on advertising meaning the RPM from numbers in those days are likely low.

Then there’s the November/December holiday season. Numbers are much higher than average going into the holiday season and the earnings during those times are likely to be higher than throughout the rest of the year.

Just be aware of these natural ebbs and flows in ad value when coming up with as accurate an RPM as possible.

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